Currently available: Rose of Sharon, Lucy.. double pink, various Grasses, stonecrop, various lavender types, peppermint, pachysandra, and vinca minor. Many new perennial types will be appearing throughout the 2024 season. Inquire or check back in throughout the year. Inquire about your favorites and we can often get them for you within a few days.
For Your Live Plant Gardening Choices.
You'll loveoakhill
Reach Goals; You'll loveoakhill

Perennials & Bulbs

Vegetable SEEDS & Plants
Seeds available currently are peppers, tomatoes, and basil
from Livingston Seed.
Plus 2024 Seeds will Arrive in January !!
Purchase today and get started !
Live vegetable starter plants will be for Sale.
Once live veggies plants become available, check back in…
Tomatoes, eggplant, peppers and many more!

Hydrangeas Galore !
Varieties available: Bloomstruck,
Little Lime, Firelight, Phantom,
Vanilla Strawberry, Twist & Shout,
and Pink Diamond and many
new arrivals weekly, in season!

2023 / 2024 Houseplant Sales & Availability includes peace lilies, succulents such as jade, cacti, holiday cactus, and others. Ponytail Palm, aloe, snake plants, ferns, tall dracaenas marginata, pothos, various philodendron, fiddle leaf figs, and many more! Various draceana available with easy care. A cactus is easy care and does possibly bloom with plenty of sun.

Locally grown! Stay tuned as weather permits more outdoor annuals to be displayed. 2024 SPRING will be updated.

Landscape trees and shrubs
Available in various sizes and containers, including, but not limited to: Japanese maples, scarlet oaks, redbuds, magnolias, and stewartias; shrubs such as hydrangeas, roses, spireas, fothergillas, viburnums, privet, rose of Sharons, and sweet pepperbush; and evergreens such as arborvitaes, cypresses, spruces, creeping juniper, and pines.